Willkommen bei Lyre's, wo Sie mit jedem Schluck Wissen der Kunst näher kommen, die schönen Dinge des Lebens zu genießen – ohne Alkohol, aber voller Spirit!
Espresso Martini Day with Lyre's
Mark your calendars, coffee and cocktail lovers—March 15th is National...
Lyre’s Celebrates World Bartender Day
Bartenders are the heart and soul of the drinks industry....
Lyre’s Triumphs at The Low & No Masters 2025: Award-Winning Non-Alcoholic Spirits
We are thrilled to announce that Lyre's has achieved remarkable...
5 Non-Alcoholic Cocktails to Fall in Love With This Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate love in all...
Pour-formance Anxiety? Why Alcohol Might Be Hindering Your Bedroom Brilliance
When it comes to the bedroom, we all want to...
Zebra Striping: The Mindful Drinking Trend Taking Over in 2025
The Rise of Mindful Drinking in the U.S. The way...
Beat the Post-Festive Slump with Lyre's Non-Alcoholic Spirits
The festive season was full of indulgence, but now that...
Celebrate National Margarita Day 2025 with Lyre's Non-Alcoholic Margaritas
What is National Margarita Day? Observed every year on February...
5 Delicious Low-Alcohol Cocktail Recipes for a Healthier Sip
Looking to enjoy your favorite cocktails with less alcohol? Discover...
Der ultimative Leitfaden zum Ãœberleben des trockenen Januars
Every year, millions of people participate in dry January, sometimes...
Feiern Sie Silvester ohne Alkohol
Silvester ist ein Synonym für Ausschweifungen und Maßlosigkeit, aber immer...
Sie glauben also, Sie kennen einen Mojito?
Ah, der Mojito. Dieses kühle, minzige Getränk, das einem das...