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Lyre's Festive Brûlée
Lyre's Festive Brûlée
Lyre's Festive Brûlée

Lyre's Festive Brûlée

Indulgent festive cocktails don’t need alcohol to be worthy of a celebration. American Malt brings the flavor of vanilla and toasted nuts with herbal notes. Father Christmas approved! 


  • 1.69 oz Lyre's American Malt
  • 0.68 oz Clove syrup
  • 1.45 oz Cranberry juice 
  • 0.85 oz Lemon juice
  • Egg white or alternative foamer


For the clove syrup 
Get a pan filled with 8.45 oz of water and 8.45 oz of white sugar. Add 4.23 oz of cloves. Heat on low/mid for 15 mins. Strain out solids after the syrup has cool


Dry shake all the ingredients briefly. Add ice, shake hard and fine strain into a chilled glass. Feeling adventurous? Top with brûlée using sugar, a kitchen blow torch and bar spoon (Put spoon into a mug of cold water after to make cleaning easy)


Cocktail coupette


Brûlée and Cranberry

Thank you to @ed_tales for this festive treat

  • Sustainable

    100% of packaging is recyclable

  • Vegan

    Our products are cruelty free

  • Zero Alcohol

    Enjoy without the side effects of alchohol

  • Universal

    Can be mixed with in 90% of the world’s coctkails

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Lyre's Festive Brûlée
Lyre's Festive Brûlée