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Non-Alcoholic Old Fashioned Recipe | Lyre's

Lyre's Old Fashioned

A true Kentucky thoroughbred, the Old Fashioned made its way east to the Waldorf Astoria in New York in the late 1800's. But it was during the post-prohibition era that this elder statesman secured its place in cocktail folklore, becoming the drink of choice for the Mad men, Movie moguls and everyone in between. American malt, sugar syrup and bitters. Smooth, simple, and most pleasing to the palate, this is the drink one orders when one has arrived.



Stir briefly over fresh cubed ice


Old fashioned


Orange peel.

Looking for more American Malt recipes? Browse more recipes here

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  • Zero Alcohol

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  • Universal

    Can be mixed with in 90% of the world’s coctkails



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Non-Alcoholic Old Fashioned Recipe | Lyre's