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Lyre's Passionfruit Mojito

Lyre's Passionfruit Mojito

While Ernest Hemingway was penning Old Man and the Sea in Havana, a fellow visionary was creating the Mojito on the other side.

More recently, we have taken the original Mojito and twisted it up to create the Lyre's Passionfruit Mojito.

Utilizing Lyre's White Cane, passionfruit puree and a generous amount of mint leaves and lime juice, stirred using the bill of a giant marlin and enjoyed with a Montecristo rolled by Blackbeard himself.


  • 60mLLyre's White Cane Spirit
  • 20mL lime juice
  • 20mL passionfruit puree
  • 20mL white sugar syrup
  • 8 - 10 mint leaves
  • 60mL Soda water


All all ingredients into glass, fill with fresh cubed ice, stir, add soda, garnish and serve.




Half passionfruit, plump mint sprig

Lyre's Passionfruit Mojito

  • Sustainable

    100% of packaging is recyclable

  • Vegan

    Our products are cruelty free

  • Zero Alcohol

    Enjoy without the side effects of alchohol

  • Universal

    Can be mixed with in 90% of the world’s coctkails

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Lyre's Passionfruit Mojito